Care & Protect

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DR. STÄHLER Azofin-Gemüse Pilzfrei (konz.)

no harm for beneficial insects
up to 13l spray broth

€10.90 *
DR. STÄHLER Milbenfrei Kanemite SC (konz.)

not dangerous to bees
yields 24l spray broth

€16.90 *
DR. STÄHLER Naturinsektizid Pyreth (konz.)

Prohibited outside during the flight of bees
Up to 25l spray broth

€16.90 *
DR. STÄHLER Polyram WG Garten Pilz-Frei (konz.)

not dangerous to bees
Up to 20l spray broth

€10.90 *
DR. STÄHLER Schädlingsfrei Organic (konz.)

not dangerous to bees
up to 10l spray broth

€9.50 *
DR. STÄHLER Schädlingsfrei Spray AF

not dangerous to bees
ready to use

€11.90 *
DR. STÄHLER Schneckenkorn Clartex blau

Bees are not endangered.
Ready to use

€6.90 *
DR. STÄHLER Schnell Des

disinfection spray
removes 99.9% of bacteria
application: on garden tools, tools, pots, bowls, .....

€12.90 *
Dr. Stähler Zimmerpflanzen aktiv

Microorganisms as little helpers
2,5ml per 1l watering water
is enough for 100l

€13.90 *
ORCHI FIT orchid fertilizer 1l

our orchid fertilizer (house brand)
use all year round for all orchids
improves growth and flowering

€14.90 *
ORCHI-FIT orchid fertilizer 250ml

our orchid fertilizer (house brand)
use all year round for all orchids
improves growth and flowering

€6.90 *
ORCHI-FIT orchid fertizlizer 5l

our orchid fertilizer (house brand)
use all year round for all orchids
improves growth and flowering

€34.90 *
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