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Airplant Spray

Tillandsia care spray
contains nutritional supplements
Manufacturer: Corsa Int'l bv

€6.90 *
DR. STÄHLER Neem Aktiv

organic special fertilizer
ot dangerous for bees
yields up to 43l

€13.90 *
DR. STÄHLER Algenkalk aktiv

algal lime fertilizer
from fossil seaweed
for leaf and soil liming

€13.90 *
DR. STÄHLER Schnell Des

disinfection spray
removes 99.9% of bacteria
application: on garden tools, tools, pots, bowls, .....

€12.90 *
Dr. Stähler Zimmerpflanzen aktiv

Microorganisms as little helpers
2,5ml per 1l watering water
is enough for 100l

€13.90 *
ORCHI FIT orchid fertilizer 1l

our orchid fertilizer (house brand)
use all year round for all orchids
improves growth and flowering

€14.90 *
ORCHI-FIT orchid fertilizer 250ml

our orchid fertilizer (house brand)
use all year round for all orchids
improves growth and flowering

€6.90 *
ORCHI-FIT orchid fertizlizer 5l

our orchid fertilizer (house brand)
use all year round for all orchids
improves growth and flowering

€34.90 *
Physan 20 - 250ml

for disinfection
yields up to 250l

€16.90 *
Physan 20 - 1 Liter

for disinfection
yields up to 250l

€35.90 *
SOLABIOL Brennessel Sud AF

Plant growth stimulant
not dangerous for bees
up to 20 liters of spray solution

€15.90 *
SOLABIOL Schachtelhalm Sud AF

Plant strengthening stimulant
not dangerous for bees
up to 20 liters of spray solution

€15.90 *