Insecticide with a very broad spectrum of action.
Insects & mites: aphids, boxwood borers, Colorado potato beetle larvae, scale insects, sitka spruce aphids, spider mite, thrips, fungus gnat larvae, whitefly, mealybugs and mealybugs, cicadas.
Pest-Free-Organic provides a natural solution against sucking and biting pests, including boxwood borers and Colorado potato beetles. The product contains the systemic active ingredient azadirachtin, which has an optimal mechanism of action. Within a few hours after treatment, the pests are inactivated - they stop feeding, their further development is interrupted and no viable offspring can develop until the pests finally die after a few days. Larvae or leafminers sitting on the underside of leaves, are also safely captured, even without direct spraying.
Time of application: Begin application at the onset of infestation or when the first symptoms/pests become visible. Dr. Stähler Schädlingsfrei-Organic is diluted with water and the plants including the undersides of the leaves are sprayed evenly until visible wetting (do not spray dripping wet). When treating fungus gnats in ornamental plants, water the soil well. Always apply only as much spray or watering solution as is necessary for one treatment. Use spray or watering solution on the day of preparation, preferably in the evening hours. If it rains within 8 hours of application, treat again. Do not apply in full sun or temperatures above 25 °C. Use enclosed measuring cup for dosage.
3ml /1l
!This product information does not replace the observance of the instructions for use!
use only in accordance with local/regional/national/international regulations.